3 things hypnosis cannot do

Let’s start reading about 3 things hypnosis cannot do


Hypnosis is a fascinating practice that has been surrounded by myths and misconceptions for centuries. While hypnosis can be a powerful tool for personal development and behavior modification, there are certain limitations to what it can achieve. In this article, we will explore the 3 things hypnosis cannot do, shedding light on the boundaries of this intriguing practice.

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, where individuals are more open to receiving and acting upon suggestions. It is commonly used for smoking cessation, weight loss, stress reduction, and overcoming phobias. However, there are misconceptions about the extent of its powers. Let’s delve into the 3 things hypnosis cannot do.

1. Change Core Values and Beliefs

While hypnosis can help individuals modify behaviors and habits, it cannot alter core values and beliefs. Our values and beliefs are deeply ingrained in our subconscious mind, forming the foundation of our identity. Hypnosis can assist in aligning behaviors with values, but it cannot fundamentally change what we hold dear. For example, if someone values honesty, hypnosis cannot make them comfortable with lying.

2. Create Superhuman Abilities

Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis cannot bestow individuals with superhuman abilities such as flying, telekinesis, or mind-reading. While hypnosis can enhance focus, creativity, and performance in certain tasks, it cannot defy the laws of physics or grant supernatural powers. Hypnosis works within the realm of the possible, utilizing the power of suggestion to tap into existing capabilities rather than creating new ones.

3. Erase Memories Completely

Another misconception about hypnosis is its ability to erase memories entirely. While hypnosis can help individuals access and reframe memories, it cannot erase them from the subconscious mind. Memories are complex constructs that shape our perceptions and behaviors. Hypnosis can assist in processing and reframing traumatic memories, but it cannot delete them permanently. Memories may fade or become less emotionally charged, but they remain part of our cognitive landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can hypnosis make me do things against my will?

Hypnosis cannot make you do anything that goes against your moral code or values. You are always in control during hypnosis, and you can reject any suggestion that does not align with your beliefs.

2. Is hypnosis a form of mind control?

Hypnosis is not mind control. It is a collaborative process where the individual is an active participant. The hypnotist guides the individual into a state of focused attention, but the individual retains the power to accept or reject suggestions.

3. Can hypnosis cure physical ailments?

While hypnosis can complement medical treatment and alleviate symptoms of certain conditions, it is not a substitute for medical care. Hypnosis can help manage pain, reduce stress, and enhance healing, but it is not a cure for physical ailments.

4. Are there any risks associated with hypnosis?

Hypnosis is generally safe when practiced by trained professionals. However, individuals with certain mental health conditions or susceptibility to dissociation should consult a healthcare provider before undergoing hypnosis.

5. Can hypnosis help me remember past lives?

The concept of past life regression through hypnosis is controversial and lacks scientific evidence. While hypnosis can access memories and experiences from the past, the validity of past life memories is subject to interpretation.

6. Is self-hypnosis effective?

Self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool for self-improvement and relaxation. By learning self-hypnosis techniques, individuals can enhance focus, reduce stress, and achieve personal goals in a self-directed manner.

7. Can hypnosis be used for entertainment purposes?

Hypnosis shows and stage performances often showcase the entertaining aspects of hypnosis, such as inducing temporary amnesia or creating amusing scenarios. However, it is essential to distinguish between entertainment hypnosis and therapeutic hypnosis, which serves a different purpose.


In conclusion, hypnosis is a valuable tool for personal growth and behavior modification, but it has its limitations. The 3 things hypnosis cannot do highlight the boundaries of this practice and dispel common misconceptions. By understanding the scope of hypnosis and its capabilities, individuals can make informed decisions about utilizing hypnosis for their well-being. Remember, hypnosis is a collaborative process that empowers individuals to harness their inner resources and create positive changes in alignment with their values and beliefs.

related terms: 3 things hypnosis cannot do

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